We welcome ideas for new books in all the areas in which we publish.

Before submitting your proposal, you may find it useful to browse the complete list of JKP, Singing Dragon and Handspring titles on our websites (www.jkp.com and www.singingdragon.com) to get an idea of the topics on which we publish and the markets we reach. 

Generally, we are a non-fiction publisher, but some of our children’s publishing uses stories to help champion understanding and empowerment.

Your proposal will be carefully read by our editorial team, and may be peer reviewed. The editorial process can take some time and it is likely take around 8 weeks before we are able to let you know whether or not we are interested in taking your proposal forward. You may need to wait longer to hear from us during busy periods. 


The proposal form is made up of a set of questions about your proposed project. It is an opportunity for you to tell us about your book idea – what it’s about, the primary audience and why it is needed. It also asks you to provide a short author biography where you can outline your expertise, experience or specialist knowledge related to the book. 

There are also some questions about the format of the book itself. For example, we ask how long you think the proposed book might be and if it will contain illustrations or pictures. 

If you have a sample chapter available, you can include it with your proposal. However, this is not essential at this stage.

You can save and edit your proposal at any time before submitting. It doesn’t need to be completed in one go. 


If you would like send us a proposal, please fill in the appropriate submission form below. 

  • You can save and edit the proposal at any point before submitting. 
  • Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation via email letting you know that we've received your submission. Be sure to check your junk and spam folders!
  • CHILDREN’S BOOKS: If you are submitting a proposal for a children’s book, we ask that you also submit a draft manuscript and, if you already have an illustrator signed up, any draft illustrations.
  • Any personal data included in your submission will be controlled by Hodder & Stoughton Limited. Read about how we’ll protect and use your data in our Privacy Notice.
  • ACCESSIBILITY: If for access reasons (for example, health or disability), you find it difficult to use our online proposal form, please email proposals@jkp.com with ‘Accessibility’ in the subject line and we can provide the proposal questions in a different format.
  • Any questions regarding the submission process can be sent to: proposals@jkp.com 

Jessica Kingsley Publishers 

Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment

London EC4Y 0DZ, United Kingdom

Email: proposals@jkp.com

Submittable Terms & Conditions: https://www.submittable.com/terms

The questions listed in this form are intended to help us gain as full an understanding as possible of your proposed book, and we appreciate your time in providing these details.

Click the 'Submit' button to start the process.


The questions listed in this form are intended to help us gain as full an understanding as possible of your proposed book, and we appreciate your time in providing these details.

Click the 'Submit' button to start the process.


The questions listed in this form are intended to help us gain as full an understanding as possible of your proposed book, and we appreciate your time in providing these details.

Click the 'Submit' button to start the process.
